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Research Publications & Poetry

Brewer, A.M. (2023, June 26). The Heaviness. SAPIENS. Link.

Aston, P., Brewer, M., Kieschnick, D., Allen, M., van Roessel, P., Lavallee, D., Rodriguez, C. (2022). Identity gripping or identity flight? Two distinct experiences correlated with self-reported depression in retired professional ice hockey players. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1080/1612197X.2022.2152853. Link.

Heath, A. M., Brewer, M., Yesavage, J., and McNerney, M. W. (2022). Improved object recognition memory using post-encoding repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Brain Stimulation, 15(1), 78-86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.brs.2021.11.009. Link.

Stories & Books

Brewer, A.M. (2024, April, 8). Lines to Cracks. KBI Inspire Magazine. Link.

Brewer, A.M. (2024, February, 5). The Glass Portal. KBI Inspire Magazine. Link.

The Becoming Restoried Blog (2023)

Brewer, A.M. (2023, October, 16). Dribble Handoff. KBI Inspire Magazine. Link.

Brewer, A.M. (2023, February, 2). Earth #988. Global Sport Matters. Link.

Brewer, A. M. (2021, October, 26). Lamplight. Unsinkable. Link.

Brewer, A. M. (2021, July, 31). Hoops, Mental Health and Sharing Stories. Never Alone. Link.

Brewer, M. (2021). The Sifting Project. FriesenPress. Link.*

*revised draft in progress

News & Articles

Brewer, A.M. (2023, May, 22). What is Individual Peer Support? Resolvve. Link

Brewer, A. M. (2022, May, 4). What the NCAA and College Athletic Departments Need to Know About Athlete Mental Health. Global Sport Matters. Link.

Brewer, A. M. (2021, November, 17). Stanford Won a Championship During the Pandemic and Paid a Mental Health Price. What Can We Learn? Global Sport Matters. Link.